A snail on land but a shark in the water

“Level Water took away the gloom and life changing misery of our son's disability and diagnosis. They reminded us that he is a little boy who can have lots of amazing adventures and try things we never would have dared, like the Bantham Swoosh, the triathlon.

Now he is a club swimmer and a rising star, a potential Paralympian. What’s more they found us at a time when milestones at school were not being met, walking had been a struggle and we were really feeling the weight of the restrictions he would have in life. Now we have hope and he feels like an athlete and struts around with his medals. He has grown in confidence and ability and trains 3 times a week and competes with a swim club.

Our son is told he can be a para county swimmer next year at just 10 years old. From his perspective, someone believed in him and told him he was more than his disability and focused on who he could be. He says he is like a snail on land but a shark in the water. Level Water rescued my son from mainstream coaching where they held him back because he could not do the strokes the right way. They made him swim with 3 year olds because he couldn't tick the boxes. Level Water unlocked that potential for him and with a little patience and adjustment of teaching style they found that inner shark and showed him the sea. This is the power of Level Water, the power of swimming.

The photos show both our boys, Gil is the older boy but both have been supported along the way by Level Water. Laurie is awaiting an autism and adhd assessment and Gil has Cerebral Palsy and ADHD. Neither let it get in the way of their adventures.”


Swimming, joy and colourful toys


Out to Swim join the Dart10k