Welcome Swoosher, to your hub for the Bantham Swoosh on Saturday 6 July 2024. Below is all the information to help you plan for this year’s swim. Make sure you’re at the right place at the right time, you know where to drive and park and you know what you need to prepare for the swim. Take the time to read it through. If you have any questions please contact geri@levelwater.org

Key Dates

Tuesday 30 April - Deadline for skins swimmer applications

Monday 27th May - Merchandise order deadline

Friday 14 June - Deadline for personal information changes

Friday 14 June - Final day to transfer tickets

Key Event Information

Everything you need to know about the Bantham Swoosh for swimmers and spectators.

From where to park and how to register to coach times, maps and swim info. It’s all in there.

  • The Bantham Swoosh starts from a beautiful village called Aveton Gifford. Ending on the beach at the stunning Bantham Estate.

    Timbers Car Park will be closed for parking and swimmer drop off during the day. If you are being dropped off by a supporter, this must be at the Aveton Gifford Parking field and then get a shuttle bus down.

  • Registration will be open in Aveton Gifford parking field (not the start of the swim) from 5pm - 7pm on Friday. You can also register on the day at the start of the swim from 5am.

    If you have registered on Friday please arrive and be ready to swim by 6:15am. If you need to register on the morning please arrive by 5:45am to allow enough time to register, drop your bag and be ready to swim. The briefing is at 6:30am and swimmers will enter the water from 7:15am.

    For those parking on the Bantham Estate, shuttle buses to the start will be running from 4:30am -6am. If you still need to register you must get on a coach before 5:15 to be in time to swim. Only swimmers who registered on Friday can get the 6am coaches.

    For those parking at Aveton Gifford shuttle buses to the start will be running from 5am -6:45am.

    It’s a busy morning, so please give yourselves plenty of time to arrive, park, shuttle and register.

  • Aveton Gifford Parking
    The Old Cricket Field,

    For those parking in Aveton Gifford, the parking field is a short shuttle bus to the start line. There are no parking passes this year but your name will be with a volunteer on the gate when you arrive.

    Please DO NOT walk from the car park in Aveton Gifford to the start. Shuttle buses will be provided as this a very fast road with no footpath.

    If you are being dropped off by a supporter, they must drop you off at the parking field and NOT at the start.

    To help keep the roads around Bantham clear, supporters are encouraged to park at the Aveton Gifford Parking Field and take a shuttle bus to Bantham Estate to meet you at the finish. There will be shuttle buses available for you all back to AG after the swim.

    No parking in the village or on the roads close to the start/finish. Parking only in the dedicated parking areas at Aveton Gifford and Bantham Estate Park.

    Car sharing is encouraged! Join the Swoosh Facebook group to find other swimmers who might be willing to share a ride.

    Bantham Estate Parking
    TQ7 3AN

    The roads down to the Bantham Estate are incredibly busy and very tight. We advise all swimmers and spectators to park in Aveton Gifford and use our shuttle bus service.

    Parking on Bantham Estate costs £11 for the day and must be purchased in advance. Advanced purchase of parking tickets are now closed.

  • Click here for the google map to all the key locations.

    Aveton Gifford Swimmer & Supporter Parking Field

    The Old Cricket Field

    The Swim Start

    Timbers Car Park in Aveton Gifford, TQ7 4LQ

    The Swim Finish

    Bantham Estate, TQ7 3AN

    Traffic Management & Road Closures

    Be aware that many of the roads around Bantham will have traffic management running on them. Take a look at the map provided so you know how to navigate the area.

    Swimmers Parking on Bantham Estate

    The traffic to Bantham on a summer’s weekend is very heavy with regular, long tailbacks. Please avoid parking in Bantham and choose to park in Aveton Gifford if you can.

    However, if you do choose to park in Bantham please follow the diversion signs to Bantham via Thurlestone and do not drive down the Bantham Beach road from Bantham Cross. See the map provided for routes available.

    The roads around the event are very narrow, to help reduce the impact on the event and the environment, please do car-share where possible. The roads are winding Devon lanes with passing and single track sections so please:

    ● drive slowly

    ● pull in early

    ● err on the side of backing up rather than squeezing forwards

    ● leave plenty of space to the car in front

    With these measures gridlock can be avoided. Please follow all travelling instructions, which are designed to keep traffic flowing. Just one car travelling in the wrong direction causes delays.

  • The Bantham Swoosh takes place on one of the most beautiful stretches of rivers, and ends on one of the most beautiful beaches, in the UK. It’s a great day out for the whole family.

    Supporters are more than welcome but please be aware they need to follow a few rules to help make the day run smoothly for everyone.


    We would love it if supporters parked in the Aveton Gifford parking field. There are shuttle buses available to take them to the start line, to Bantham Estate to meet you at the finish, and back to Aveton Gifford with you after the swim.

    This eases congestion on the roads around Bantham and helps to keep the day running smoothly.

    The Walk

    We’ve introduced an amazing guided walk from Aveton Gifford to Bantham for supporters. See the next section.

    Swimmer Drop Off

    If a supporter is dropping you off at the start, they must do this at the parking field and NOT at the swim start in Timbers car park. This will not be allowed. Attempting to do so causes huge delays on the roads and puts people in danger.

    Ideally supporters would then park in the Aveton Gifford parking field and take a shuttle bus to Bantham. However, if they would like to drive to Bantham Estate to meet you, you will need to have booked a parking ticket during your registration. Please contact hello@swimcollective.org if you have not booked the Bantham Estate car park pass.

  • The Bantham Swoosh is set in an incredibly beautiful part of the UK. Which is why we’ve added in a guided walk for supporters who are dropping you off in Aveton Gifford. This means they can see you off at the start, see you swimming at certain places along the river and then meet you at the finish in Bantham.

    The walk will be led by the local ramblers so you won’t get lost on the way.

    It’s about 3.5 miles and should take around an hour and a half.

    We will run shuttle buses for swimmers and spectators back to Aveton Gifford after the swim.

    It’s steep in places with uneven surfaces throughout, so please come prepared with the correct footwear.

    It’s not suitable for wheelchairs or prams.

    Dogs are allowed but please keep them on the lead at all times.

    When registering, please choose the option to park at Aveton Gifford and then ‘guided walk’.

  • You don't need to book a coach this year. Swimmer coaches are all free so please jump on any bus from Aveton Gifford or Bantham

    Swimmer Pack

    Your swimmer pack will be given to you when you register on the day or the Friday before.

    The pack contains:

    Numbered wristband (must be worn)

    Numbered baggage tag (if you wish to drop a bag)

    Skins swimmer wristband (if accepted through the skins swimmer process)

    Timing chip (to be worn around the ankle)

    Water Bottles

    Please bring your own bottle for water refilling so we use fewer cups.

  • Arrival

    Please arrive with enough time to park, register and board the shuttle bus. Please be ready to board the shuttle bus 15 minutes before it is due to depart. There are hundreds of people coming to the event so please come for the early buses. If everyone comes for the last bus you may miss the swim.


    Once you’ve arrived in Aveton Gifford, head to the registration tent. Our amazing volunteers will check you in and check that you have your timing chip, give you your swimming hat and write your swimmers number on your hand.

    Early Registration

    This year you can register on Friday between 5-7pm at Aveton Gifford Parking field.


    Cakes & Refreshments

    The Bantham Swoosh supports Aveton Gifford swimming pool and the pre-school. They will have a fundraising cake stand at the start, please bring some cash or your bank card if you would like to support them


    Changing tents are available. Please do not change in the loos as this creates long queues and is not fair on other participants who are waiting.

  • You can either leave bags with your supporters or give them to us to look after. Please label with tags provided in your registration pack. We will look after all small (4kg max) bags.

    There are two Bag Drops - one at Bantham and one at Aveton Gifford.

    Swimmers registering in Bantham are advised to travel on the coaches up from Bantham in their wetsuit and leave their bags waiting for them at Bantham Beach.

    If you don’t want to travel in your wetsuit, or you’re registering in Aveton Gifford, you can hand in your (small, 4kg max) bag in Aveton Gifford - we will bring your bag to Bantham for you.

  • This year there is a camping option on Bantham Estate for the Friday evening. This is available as an option when you are registering. Checkout will be at midday on Saturday.

    Unfortunately no dogs can stay overnight at Bantham.

    There are also other local options such as Higher Aunemouth Campsite, North Upton Campsite, South Devon Camping Lower Terawhiti Farm and Didwell Farm Campsite.

  • With help from our fabulous partners at Swim Trek we’ve created a training plan just for you.

    Click here for the Swoosh Training Plan

  • There are no waves or pods of swimmers depending on your speed for the Bantham Swoosh. The water entry is narrow so the start is nice, slow and safe.

    Once you’re in the water, it’s up to you. Enjoy the atmosphere and don’t forget to look up every now and then and enjoy the scenery around you.

    Faster swimmers try to make your way to the front of the swim.

    There will be a full water safety crew on the water at all times. If you need support or you notice another swimmer needs help, please alert one of the lifeguards. A full safety briefing will be provided before the swim in Aveton Gifford.

    Tow floats, fins, music, GoPros, in fact any “extra” kit are not allowed at this event.

    Skins Swimmer

    Confirmed skins swimmers must wear their skins wristband at all times. We recommend bringing a wetsuit as well, just in case.

  • Once on the beautiful Bantham Beach, the walk back to the event village and car park is about 500m across the sand dunes. If you have friends/family meeting you at the finish, it’s worth giving them some warm clothes for you to wear on your return. If you have additional needs or require support across the dunes, please let us know before the event hello@swimcollective.org

    Swimmers Parking in Bantham
    Your Bantham Car parking passes cover you for the whole day.

    Departing vehicles: follow the diversion signs via Buckland to the A381, and NOT exit up the Bantham Beach Road to Bantham Cross.

    Swimmers Parking in Aveton Gifford

    Following the swim, four waves of coaches will transport swimmers from Bantham Estate car park to the Aveton Gifford parking field: from 9:30 to 11:45am.

    If you have parked at Aveton Gifford, the parking field closes at 1pm.

  • We will do everything we can to support swimmers with additional needs.

    Access to and from the water’s edge is difficult. The closest a vehicle can reach the start line is around 50m, so a method of crossing this distance of tarmac and gravel is required.

    The finish is on a sandy beach and there is a 500m journey over steep soft sand, steep narrow concrete steps and grass from the finish line back to the finish village. An alternative exit point 5.5km through the 6km swim is possible, but unfortunately this is before the best of the Swoosh itself.

    If you require adjustments (e.g. access for vehicle pick-up/drop-off at start and finish villages, or putting a wheelchair into the baggage van for you) then please ensure you record this in the “medical” box of your registration form. If you could email hello@swimcollective.org highlighting this, to ensure your specific needs are met, that would be helpful.

    If you'd need more complex adjustments (eg assistance from a helper whilst you're in the water, exiting at the early exit point or any kind of mechanised / wheelchair access to and from the water), please email hello@swimcollective.org and we will contact you to figure it out.

    If you have any concerns whatsoever about your medical fitness to participate, that you consult with your GP before taking part in the swim.

  • Mini-swoosh is the children’s event which is a 1km swim in the main ‘swoosh’ part of the river. It will only start when 75% of adult swooshers are out of the water. This should be around 8:30am- 9am.

    Registration will be open 7:30am - 8:15am before the swim. The briefing will be on the slip way (10 min walk from registration) at 8:30am.

    Each child must be accompanied by an adult with a 1:1 ratio unless otherwise approved. Please contact geri@levelwater.org if you or your child has any accessibility needs.

Important Links

  • Fundraising

    All funds raised from the Bantham Swoosh will go towards swimming lessons for children with disabilities across the UK. If you’d like to raise money for Level Water, click the button then ‘Start Fundraising’.

  • Facebook Group

    The Bantham Swoosh Facebook group is a fantastic place to connect with other swimmers. Ask about training, meet up for swims or share fundraising ideas. You could even find other swimmers to car share with to and from the event.

  • Skins Applications

    To be allowed to swim without a wetsuit, you must provide evidence of previous experience doing so. Please complete the form and our decision is final. Deadline for applications is Tuesday 30th April 2024

  • Volunteers

    The Bantham Swoosh couldn’t happen without the support of our amazing volunteers. So if you’re a swimmer, supporter or just looking to help out please fill in this form. And you’ll get priority entry into the 2025 event!

  • outdoor swimming swoosh merch

    Swoosh Merch

    This years design is epic. A fun, colourful design of the river Avon. All merchandise is made to order and you’ll collect it on event day.

    Order deadline - Monday 27th May

  • Prizes

    If you’d like to fundraise for Level Water, we’ve compiled an incredible package of prizes from our brand partners and friends. To see how you can win take a look at our prizes page.

Bantham Swoosh - Map & Locations

We’ve created a live Google Map to help you navigate the Bantham Swoosh and to see all the locations at the start, finish and along the route. It also shows the road access and closure towards the finish.

Brand Partners

Win a holiday with Swim Trek

Our wonderful brand partner, SwimTrek, are giving one lucky swimmer the chance to win a swimming holiday worth £2500! To win? You just need to be our top fundraiser from our river swims of the year.

Clothing built for adventure

Finisterre make some of the best quality, high tech and beautiful adventure kit. All UK made and sustainable we’re lucky to have them as our main partner for our river swims. For any kit needs, clothing, bags, shoes or essentials, they are perfect for everything you need.

Outdoor Swimmer is the magazine for outdoor swimmers by outdoor swimmers. Launched in 2011, their mission is to inspire you with amazing swimming stories and help you live a healthier and happier life through outdoor swimming.

Luxury holiday Hideaways in the heart of the South Devon countryside.

River Dart Hideaway is a development of luxury holiday Hideaways in South Devon, available to book for short breaks and longer holidays. Nestled in a quiet corner of the countryside, its south westerly facing aspect offers unrivalled views over the River Dart, from sunrise to sunset.

Welcome to the Swimwear Revolution

Deakin & Blue don’t compromise on fit, feel or function. Their swimwear is supportive in every sense of the word - it lifts us up and empowers us to be active, joyful and carefree. It’s beautiful, sophisticated and sensual, which is how we feel when we wear it.