What is Level Water’s Swim Collective?

Swim Collective is Level Water’s collection of iconic events: the Dart10k, Bantham Swoosh, Bantham Boomerang and Hurly Burly. These are some of the very finest river swims challenges in the UK, ranging from 6km to 10km in length. The events take you down some of the most beautiful stretches of river in the country and welcoming to everyone.

The best events are those we share. Amazing adventures that take you on an incredible journey. We will closely guard the ethos of these amazing events, helping everyone connect to themselves, their environment, and to each other.

Swim Collective provides places where we can all share our love and joy for swimming.

Swim Collective events are wholly owned by the Level Water charity. All profits and fundraising from the events are passed to the charity, to help more children with disabilities learn to swim. Together we can help everyone have the opportunity to learn to swim and fall in love with the water.

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Swim Collective Events

  • Bantham Swoosh

    A stunning 6km river swim in Devon

  • Bantham Mini-Swoosh

    A short, open water swim for kids

  • Dart10k

    Outdoor swimmings greatest journey

Finisterre x Level Water

We’re excited to be working with Finisterre to deliver these iconic events for you. Tom Kay (Finisterre founder) and Ian Thwaites (Level Water CEO) talk about the partnership in the video below.

2022 Event Write Ups

Event Sponsors

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