Event Access Advisory Committee

Level Water’s Event Access Advsory Committee is making the Level Water 2024 event series as accessible as possible to swimmers with disabilities through a planned, meaningful approach.

We are dedicated to ensuring that everyone, regardless of ability, feels welcome and supported at Level Water events. This committee has been created with the aim of enhancing accessibility, we're here to foster inclusivity and make sure every participant's needs are met.

If you have any questions on the access at any of our events, contact Colette via Whatsapp

2024 - Year 1 for our Access Committee


What have our committee said…

  • Each committee member has voiced how great it is to have the Access Committee working on event access, what a priviledge it is to sit on a committee, that is the first of it's kind in the events sector. 

  • The committee have felt heard and seen, for the first time by an organisation. 

  • Level Water is taking action, this is helpful and encouraging. 

  • Committee members have learnt something from each other. 

  • Swimmers with access requirements have felt reassured by our efforts - phonecalls, videos and photos of the swim site, dedicated volunteers on the day of the swim and a friendly welcoming team. 

  • Swimmers with access requirements have felt they were treated just like a swimmer.

  • Other swimmers with less or no access requirements have noticed our adaptions and also felt reassured that they are being thought of.

Meet The Committee

Nerys Pearce

Lise Hassell

James Russell

Janine Jackson

Sophie Etheridge

Melanie Barratt

Hannah Thomas


  • Swimming to me is freedom.

    As a wheelchair user the world is not always accessible to me but the one place and one thing that I can always rely on is the freedom of the water. I am not just a swimmer though, I am a Swimming Teacher, an Open Water Coach and a Lifeguard too.

    My passion is for making Swimming more accessible and inclusive so when I was asked to be on the committee it was a no brainer.

    The committee has allowed me to meet with and chat to other like minded individuals with the same goal as me, we have been able to share ideas and come up with solutions to every barrier at Level Water Swimming events to make them as inclusive as possible.

    I can't wait to see who can achieve their goals at this year's events.

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