Bantham 2024: One big day

If the day starts with not one, but TWO rainbows then you know you’re on to something special. Bantham 2024 really was special because the Swoosh and the Boomerang happened on the same day for the first time. That meant an early start for the Swoosh Swooshers and and late finish for the Boomerang Boomeranglers.
And wow. Just wow. From the very first cup of tea at 3am with our incredible volunteers who came along to help us. All the way through to that very last high five at midnight once the Boomerang was over. And in between? Well, where do I begin.
The Bantham Swoosh
The Bantham Swoosh, you beautiful thing, was up first with 800 swimmers navigating the early start, the parking fields and coaches and registration all bleary eyed and excited. It’s an incredible spectacle, seeing them all lined up waiting to enter the river in matching hats. The smiles and hugs are plenty. The nerves are expected. But then a wonderful thing happens. All the swimmers just seem to look out for each other. Strangers hugging strangers to offer them a kind word or a pep talk. Helping each other into the water and promising to stay with them until they feel safe and comfortable. Sharing gloves and goggles and laughter and selfies.
So many frienships were created on that start line and so many were cemented in the event village at the end. We always say you never come alone to the Bantham Swoosh, you’re just on your way to meet friends you were always supposed to meet.
The Boomerang
As the day started with double rainbows, it finished with a breathtaking sunset as swimmers enjoyed a double SWOOSHING. It’s such a unique event this one as you start an hour or so before high tide, and turn back with the tide and swim back to where you started. Reaching the beach as the sun drops behind the cliffs. I was on the finish of the Boomerang and I can honestly say I have never seen so many smiles after such a swim. Beaming smiles.
We are lost for ways to thank our volunteers but I will spend forever trying to find the right words to thank them properly. Thank you volunteers. For getting up early and directing traffic and making hot chocolate and registering people and putting up signs and for all the energy and joy you bring to this event. They can’t happen without you. You are all heroes that combine to make the Swoosh and Boomerang a magnificent event for every single swimmer.
The water safety crew
What a team. They are they with you from start to finish, keeping you safe and swimming in the right direction. They come with big smiles and we really can’t thank them enough for their passion, dedication, motivation and amazing support. Thank you all so much.
Our brand partners
SwimTrek, Finisterre, Deakin & Blue, River Dart Hideaway and Outdoor Swimmer. Thank you for your support over the last few months. Helping us sell tickets and providing volunteers to help us at the event. Their support is invaluable.
Bantham Estate
For not only allowing us the use of your stunning, well-kept land for the event, but for all the above and beyond efforts of all fabulous Bantham Estate team members in the planning and on the day itself. You are helping deliver this amazing day to thousands of swimmers so that we can deliver as much impact as possible to our kids across the UK. Thank you so much.
Local residents, Aveton Gifford Parish Council and Thurlestone Parish Council.
Thank you very much to both Parish Councils for your continued assistance with our planning and execution.
A big thank you also to all the local residents for your patience on the day of our event. Thank you for your continued feedback, we remain committed to listening and refining our plans year-on-year in order for the day to run as smoothly as possible for all.
Photos by Siân Herbert