Bantham Swoosh 2023: Event Report

The Year of the Magical Rain
My lasting memory of this year’s Bantham Swoosh is seeing so many swimmers coming out of the water, laughing hysterically at how amazing their swim was. The epic downpour made it a truly magical experience with so many of you laying on your back for the final ‘swoosh’ to join in with mother nature and all her glory.
800 swimmers took part and we simply can’t thank you all enough for joining us on this amazing journey. It’s a special day for many swimmers taking on a big challenge for the first time, for Level Water staff who work year round to put on this event. And finally, for the disabled children who have Level Water swimming lessons.
Over £170,000 has been raised so far. That’s the equivalent of 10,000, bespoke, 1-1 swimming lessons for children with disabilities. Let that sink in for a minute. Together, you have given disabled children the chance to fall in love with the water. To feel the freedom and the beauty that being submersed in water has to offer. To feel the joy of swimming for the very first time.
Thank you so much to every single one of you.

70 children took part in this year’s Mini-Swoosh. A short swim where they get to experience the last ‘SWOOSH’ part of the main event. Most of them were taking part in their first outdoor swimming event and what a way to do it! There were also 10 children who Level Water had taught to swim taking part! They were there because of the amazing fundraising efforts of swimmers taking part in the Bantham Swoosh in previous years. And because of the amazing amount we raised this year, hopefully we’ll see many more taking the step up from pool to river next year.

A huge thank you to our volunteers. This event cannot happen without their efforts, smiles, hugs and commitment. From directing traffic, handing out towels or helping swimmers out of the water at the finish. They all are amazing and we thank them from the very bottom of our hearts.

To everyone who made it happen
A final thank you to everyone who helped us along the way. Bantham Estate for allowing us the use of their land to host the finish of the swim. The local residents and councils who gave us essential advice on the roads. Our amazing brand partners Finisterre and SwimTrek for being there to help us out for the weekend. The Outdoor Swimming Society for allowing us to carry the torch to continue to bring the Bantham Swoosh to the world. The sailing club, local businesses, our water safety crew, medical teams, caterers ahhh there’s too many people to thank. If I’ve forgotten you please know that you are truly appreciated and we can’t wait to work alongside you for years to come.
Together you have helped us raise so much for Level Water. Thank you.

The Photos
We were so lucky to have the magnificent Jess Rose with us for the day to take some photos. They capture the day beautifully so please have a look through and download and share them far and wide.
Please credit @photosbyjessrose__ and tag @levelwateruk in any you share on socials.
We are also lucky that some other incredible photographers have sent us some photos from the day. Click here to see the gallery from Manon Fosburgh from the Bantham Estate. And click here to see photos from Michael Blyth, who was there on the day to snap some amazing shots for us.