Dart10k 2023: Event Report

It’s hard to know where to start when writing an event report for this years Dart10k. Maybe with a quote from a swimmer. She was standing at the finish with the biggest smile on her face, looking around for anyone to talk to. I asked her, "‘Are you okay'?’ and she simply replied, ‘WOW, I don’t think I’m ever going to be the same again after that swim.’
When we talk about the Dart10k being a journey we know that every single swimmer creates their own. No one has the same experience. The river provides everyone with a unique experience that just can’t be explained to anyone else. It’s beautiful. Magical. Somehow spiritual. Someone said they felt reborn. Someone spent most of the swim with a seal at their toes. Someone swam with a stranger who was struggling for the full 10km. Everyone has a story to tell.
Here’s to the 1000 swimmers who made the Dart10k journey, from start to finish. Swimmers who had the courage to push themselves and complete a marathon distance swim. One of the most beautiful outdoor swims this world has to offer.
Here’s to every single person who was part of this event which has, so far, raised over £120,000 for Level Water. £120,000 will provide over 8,000 swimming lessons for children with disabilities. Lessons that simply wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for all of you. Lessons that give disabled children the chance to learn to swim and fall in love with the water.
The Dart10k is a journey for everyone. A unique journey from start to finish that changes lives.
Thank you
A huge thank you to the National Trust at Greenway. Without their incredible support in the last few months the Dart10k would not have happened. Their kindness shone through from the moment we met them to discuss finishing the swim on their land to when the last gate was locked on Monday afternoon. What an amazing team.
Thank you to our water safety team. Wow. You made everyone feel safe, watched and motivated which is a huge challenge on such a big river.
Thank you to our main brand partner, Finisterre. They were the amazing folk on the end of the pontoon helping you out of the river and hosing you down on the beach. They’ve been with us every step of the way and we love their enthusiasm, commitment and overall awsome-ness in helping us make these events special for everyone.
Thank you to our brand partner, SwimTrek. From start to finish they were there with smiles and hugs and all the energy you could ever need. What a wonderful bunch of people who have supported Level Water for the last few years and have helped make these events what they are.
And last but not least, to the residents of Galmpton and the local area for being so supportive of the event. Thank you for allowing us to come into your world. Without your support the event would not have run so smoothly.

The Volunteers
There are no words that can fully describe our gratitude to the excellent volunteers who helped us out all weekend. From starting at 4am standing on street corners directing traffic and handing out sweets on the feed stations, to helping people out of the river and making sure swimmers are warm and safe. Absolute heroes. Wonderful humans. Thank you so much from every single person who’s life you made a little better at the weekend.

The Photos
We had the wonderful Sam Rogers join us for the Sunday swim to take these outstanding photos. With so many of you we couldn’t capture everyone but we hope you enjoy this collection as an incredible memory of the day.
Please credit @samrogerss and tag @levelwateruk in any you share on socials.